Quick navigation:
- Of Beauty and Consolation (Van de Schoonheid en de Troost)
- Wole Soyinka
- Roger Scruton
- Jane Goodall
- George Steiner
- Vladimir Askenazy
- Steven Weinberg
- Martha Nussbaum
- Karel Appel
- Edward Witten
- Elizabeth Loftus
- Rutger Kopland
- Stephen Jay Gould
- Dubravka Ugresic
- Simon Schama
- Catherine Bott
- John M. Coetzee
- Richard Dufallo
- Leon Lederman
- Rudi Fuchs
- Tatjana Tolstaja
- Freeman Dyson
- Richard Rorty
- György Konrád
- Germaine Greer
- Yehudi Menuhin
- Grand Final Debate (De Samenkomst)
- Quants, High Frequency Trading, and the Flash Crash
- Quants: The Alchemists of Wall Street (VPRO Backlight)
- Basics of Quantitative Trading
- What is a quant trader?
- Quantitative Finance for Non-Quants
- High Frequency Trading Explained
- The Wall Street Code (VPRO Backlight)
- The Midas Formula - Stock Market Documentary
- How High Frequency Trading Works, Trading Speed, and the Flash Crash
- Money & Speed: Inside the Black Box (VPRO Backlight)
- Goldman Sachs (VPRO Backlight)
Various links

Interviews with Ed Copeland

Inflation & the Universe in a Grapefruit
Richard Feynman

The Pleasure of Finding Things Out
Brian Greene

The Elegant Universe: Einstein's Dream
The Elegant Universe: Strings the Thing
The Elegant Universe: Welcome to the 11th Dimension
Benoit Mandelbrot

Fractals: The Hidden Dimension
Big Think Interview with Benoit Mandelbrot
Benoit Mandelbrot: Fractals and the Art of Roughness
Arthur C. Clarke: Colors of Infinity
Big Brains Small Films: Benoit Mandelbrot, The Father of Fractals

A Brilliant Madness: A Mathematical Genius Descent into Madness
A Glorious Accident (Een Schitterend Ongeluk)

Of Beauty and Consolation (Van de Schoonheid en de Troost)

Grand Final Debate (De Samenkomst)
Quants, High Frequency Trading, and the Flash Crash

Quants: The Alchemists of Wall Street (VPRO Backlight)
Basics of Quantitative Trading
Quantitative Finance for Non-Quants
High Frequency Trading Explained
The Wall Street Code (VPRO Backlight)
The Midas Formula - Stock Market Documentary
How High Frequency Trading Works, Trading Speed, and the Flash Crash
Money & Speed: Inside the Black Box (VPRO Backlight)