All Classes and Interfaces

The NumberFilter class provides methods to validate the input in a JNumberInputField.
The ArraySearchBounds class provides a container for storing a lower and upper array index.
The ATask class provides the basic functionality for a task.
The Chrono class contains functionality for a simple chronometer.
The ComplexNumber class provides mathematical operations on complex numbers.
The DateStamp class acts as a container for date stamps.
Indicates a malformed Date or TimeStamp object.
The DevelopMode class allows a global specification of an application's status.
The DistributionComparator class offers various statistics to compare two empirical distributions based on their sequences of values.
The EmpiricalDistribution class offers a means to calculate the empirical cumulative distribution (CDF) and probability density (PDF) functions, including percentiles.
The Extrema class provides a container for storing local minima and maxima indices and values.
The Extremum class provides a container for storing an extremum's index and value.
Indicates that an attempt to create a file denoted by the specified filename has failed.
Indicates that an attempt to parse a line in the file denoted by the specified filename has failed.
Indicates that an attempt to read from the file denoted by the specified filename has failed.
Indicates that an attempt to write a value to the file denoted by the specified filename has failed.
The FunctionLookupTable class provides a raw container for storing a 1D function's (X,Y) values.
The I18NL10N class provides a mechanism for implementing a multi-lingual interface through internationalisation (I18N) and localisation (L10N).
The JAboutBox class provides a modal dialog box containing general application information.
Useful constants to specify the logo's position relative to its accompanying about text.
The JARResources class provides access to JAR and ZIP files.
The JMessageDialog class pops up a standard "Ok/Cancel" dialog box containing a question.
The JCustomColorMapChooser class provides a dialog for creating a custom colour map:
The JDateChooser class provides a dialog box for choosing a date.
Useful constants to allow the use of the undo button .
The JDefaultDialog class is a baseclass for creating arbitrary dialog boxes.
Useful constants to specify a modal or modelss dialog box.
Useful constants to specify a fixed or resizable dialog box.
Useful constants to specify an "Ok", "Ok/Cancel" or custm type dialog box.
The JDerivedGUIApplication class is a demonstration of the SMTools GUI framework.
The JDesktopAccess class allows easy access for launching the platform's default browser, mail client, and applications for opening, editing, and printing files.
The JEtchedLine class provides an etched line.
Useful constant to specify a horizontally or vertically oriented etched line.
The JFileFilter class provides selection filter for the JFileChooser class.
The JGradientColorMap class provides a gradient colour map.
The various supported colour maps.
The supported horizontal and vertical orientations for the gradient colour map.
The JGraphics class provides static methodes for changing fonts, colors, ...
This class contains the filenames of the selected set of GUI sounds.
The different GUI sound sets.
The JImageLoader helper class provides functionality for loading images.
The JImagePanel class provides a JPanel with a background image.
The JIncompleteWarningDialog class pops up a standard dialog box for incomplete implementations.
The JLabelBox class provides static methodes for drawing labels in boxes.
The JMessageDialog class pops up a standard dialog box containing a message.
The JNumberInputField class provides a input textfield for int and double datatypes.
The JProgressUpdateGlassPane class provides the basic functionality for a progress updating glasspane.
The different types of progress update visualisations.
The JScrollablePanel class provides a scrollable JPanel.
The JSplashScreen class provides a splash screen for Swing-based GUIs.
The JStandardGUIApplication class provides a standard Swing based GUI framework.
The JStatusBar class constructs a JPanel that provides an application with a status bar.
Refer to for more details.
The JTimeChooser class provides a dialog box for choosing a time.
Useful constants to specify whether or not a digital indication of the current time should be shown.
Useful constants to specify a time chooser for selecting only the hour and minute, and/or second and/or millisecond.
Useful constants to specify a time chooser that shows a clock which is updated continuously or in second time steps.
The JTriggeredButton class provides a button that automatically hides/shows its border.
The JTriggeredButtonBorder class provides a special border for the JTriggeredButton class.
The JUnfocusableButton class is a special implementation of a JButton.
The JUnfocusableTriggeredButton class is a special implementation of a JTriggeredButton.
The JWarningDialog class pops up a standard dialog box containing a warning.
The LongLatPosition class provides a data container for a (longitude,latitude) position.
The LSLR class offers least squares linear regression for 2D data.
The MathTools class offers some basic useful mathematical operations.
The different kernel types.
The MP3Player class is a helper class for the JLayer framework.
Useful constants to specify whether or not the application's execution is blocked while playing a sound.
The QuadMapping class provides a perspective mapping for a convex quadrilateral.
The Quadrilateral class provides a container for a 2D quadrilateral.
The QuadToQuadMapping class provides a perspective mapping between two convex quadrilaterals.
The Registry class provides a mechanism for accessing (persistent) global variables.
Indicates an error involving the Registry.
Indicates that playing of a sound has failed.
A 1.4 file that provides utility methods for creating form- or grid-style layouts with SpringLayout.
The StringTools class is mainly intended for string alignment operations.
The SystemInformation class allows gathering of some system information, such as Java VM memory statistics, number of CPUs, and the OS name.
The different types of operating systems.
The TaskExecutor class provides a facility for concurrently executing a number of ATasks.
The TextFileParser class allows easy parsing of text files.
The TextFileWriter class allows easy writing to text files.
The TimeStamp class acts as a container for time stamps.