Class MathTools


public final class MathTools extends Object
The MathTools class offers some basic useful mathematical operations.

All methods in this class are static, so they should be invoked as:

   ... = MathTools.method(...);
Note that this class cannot be subclassed!
Sven Maerivoet
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static enum 
    The different kernel types.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    The number of decimals in a double, equal to log10(2^(#bits_mantissa)) with #bits_mantissa = #bits_total - #bits_exponent - #bits_sign.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static double
    atan(double x, double y)
    Calculates the arc tangent of the two doubles.
    static double
    clip(double value, double minimum, double maximum)
    Clips a double between two extrema.
    static int
    clip(int value, int minimum, int maximum)
    Clips an int between two extrema.
    static double
    convertBToGB(long nrOfBytes)
    Converts a number of bytes to gigabytes (1 GB = 1000^3 B).
    static double
    convertBToGiB(long nrOfBytes)
    Converts a number of bytes to gibibytes (1 GiB = 1024^3 B).
    static double
    convertBTokB(long nrOfBytes)
    Converts a number of bytes to kilobytes (1 kB = 1000 B).
    static double
    convertBToKiB(long nrOfBytes)
    Converts a number of bytes to kibibytes (1 KiB = 1024 B).
    static double
    convertBToMB(long nrOfBytes)
    Converts a number of bytes to megabytes (1 MB = 1000^2 B).
    static double
    convertBToMiB(long nrOfBytes)
    Converts a number of bytes to mebibytes (1 MiB = 1024^2 B).
    static double
    convertBToTB(long nrOfBytes)
    Converts a number of bytes to terabytes (1 GB = 1000^4 B).
    static double
    convertBToTiB(long nrOfBytes)
    Converts a number of bytes to tebibytes (1 TiB = 1024^4 B).
    static double
    cube(double x)
    Calculates the cube of a double.
    static double
    deg2rad(double degrees)
    Converts degrees to radians.
    static double
    fac(double n)
    Calculates the factorial of a double.
    static double
    facApprox(double n)
    Calculates the approximated factorial of a double (using Stirling's formula).
    static Extrema
    findExtrema(double[] x)
    Finds all local extreme values (and their indices) in an array.
    static double
    findMaximum(double[] x)
    Searches incrementally for the maximum value in an array.
    static int
    findMaximum(int[] x)
    Searches incrementally for the maximum value in an array.
    static double
    findMinimum(double[] x)
    Searches incrementally for the minimum value in an array.
    static int
    findMinimum(int[] x)
    Searches incrementally for the minimum value in an array.
    static void
    Forces a partial order on the components of two points p1 and p2 such that (x1,y1) ≤ (x2,y2).
    static double
    frac(double x)
    Calculates the fractional part of a double.
    static double
    getEllipseCircumference(double a, double b)
    Returns the approximated circumference of an ellipse.
    static double
    getEllipseEccentricity(double a, double b)
    Returns the eccentricity of an ellipse.
    static double
    getGreatCircleDistance(double longitude1, double latitude1, double longitude2, double latitude2)
    Calculates the great circle distance (using the haversine formula) between two specified points.
    static double
    getKernel(double u, MathTools.EKernelType kernelType)
    Provides a kernel.
    getKernelSmoother(FunctionLookupTable functionLookupTable, MathTools.EKernelType kernelType, double bandwidth, int nrOfSupportPoints)
    Performs kernel smoothing on a 1D function specified by lookup tables for in the (X,Y) plane.
    getLongitudeLatitudeDisplacement(double longitude, double latitude, double longitudeOffset, double latitudeOffset)
    Calculates a (longitude,latitude) in a LongLatPosition object that is of a specified offset (expressed in meter) from a given point.
    static boolean
    isEven(int n)
    Checks whether or not a number is even.
    static boolean
    isOdd(int n)
    Checks whether or not a number is odd.
    static boolean
    isPrime(long x)
    Returns whether or not a given long number is prime.
    static double
    logBase(double x, double base)
    Takes a logarithm of a double in a custom base.
    static double
    map(double value, double fromMinimum, double fromMaximum, double toMinimum, double toMaximum)
    Maps a double from one range to another.
    static double
    normalisedLinearInterpolation(double value, double from, double to)
    Performs linear interpolation of a double with respect to two boundary values.
    static double
    quadr(double x)
    Calculates the quadratic of a double.
    static double
    rad2deg(double radians)
    Converts radians to degrees.
    static long
    round(double x)
    Rounds a double to a long.
    searchArrayBounds(double[] x, double xSearch)
    Determines the indices of the 2 values surrounding the searched value in an array of x.length elements, such that: x[fLowerBound] ≤ xSearch < x[fUpperBound]
    static double
    sinc(double x)
    Calculates the unnormalised sinc (sinus cardinalis) function of a double.
    static double
    sincn(double x)
    Calculates the normalised sinc (sinus cardinalis) function of a double.
    static double
    sqr(double x)
    Calculates the square of a double.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • kNrOfDoubleDecimals

      public static final int kNrOfDoubleDecimals
      The number of decimals in a double, equal to log10(2^(#bits_mantissa)) with #bits_mantissa = #bits_total - #bits_exponent - #bits_sign.
  • Method Details

    • frac

      public static double frac(double x)
      Calculates the fractional part of a double.
      x - the double to calculate the fractional part of
      the fractional part of the double
    • sqr

      public static double sqr(double x)
      Calculates the square of a double.
      x - the double to be squared
      the squared double
      See Also:
    • cube

      public static double cube(double x)
      Calculates the cube of a double.
      x - the double to be cubed
      the cubed double
      See Also:
    • quadr

      public static double quadr(double x)
      Calculates the quadratic of a double.
      x - the double to be quadrated
      the quadrated double
      See Also:
    • fac

      public static double fac(double n)
      Calculates the factorial of a double.
      n - the double to calculate the factorial for
      the factorial of the specified double
      See Also:
    • facApprox

      public static double facApprox(double n)
      Calculates the approximated factorial of a double (using Stirling's formula).
      n - the double to calculate the approximated factorial for
      the approximated factorial of the specified double
      See Also:
    • atan

      public static double atan(double x, double y)
      Calculates the arc tangent of the two doubles.

      Both doubles x and y are used as y / x (x is allowed to be zero). The arc tangent will be a positive angle, lying in [0,2*PI]. The following cases are considered:

      • x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0: 0 ≤ atan(x,y) ≤ PI/2
      • x ≤ 0, y ≥ 0: PI/2 ≤ atan(x,y) ≤ PI
      • x ≤ 0, y ≤ 0: PI ≤ atan(x,y) ≤ 3*PI/2
      • x ≥ 0, y ≤ 0: 3*PI/2 ≤ atan(x,y) ≤ 2*PI

      With these two special cases:

      • x = 0, y > 0: atan(x,y) = PI/2
      • x = 0, y < 0: atan(x,y) = 3*PI/2
      x - the denominator of the double to calculate the arc tangent of
      y - the numerator of the double to calculate the arc tangent of
      the arc tangent of the doubles
    • sinc

      public static double sinc(double x)
      Calculates the unnormalised sinc (sinus cardinalis) function of a double.
      x - the double to calculate the unnormalised sinc of
      the unnormalised sinc of the double
    • sincn

      public static double sincn(double x)
      Calculates the normalised sinc (sinus cardinalis) function of a double.
      x - the double to calculate the normalised sinc of
      the normalised sinc of the double
    • deg2rad

      public static double deg2rad(double degrees)
      Converts degrees to radians.
      degrees - the number of degrees to convert
      the number of degrees converted to radians
      See Also:
    • rad2deg

      public static double rad2deg(double radians)
      Converts radians to degrees.
      radians - the radians to convert
      the radians converted to number of degrees
      See Also:
    • getGreatCircleDistance

      public static double getGreatCircleDistance(double longitude1, double latitude1, double longitude2, double latitude2)
      Calculates the great circle distance (using the haversine formula) between two specified points.
      longitude1 - -
      latitude1 - -
      longitude2 - -
      latitude2 - -
      the great circle distance [in m] between the two specified points
    • getLongitudeLatitudeDisplacement

      public static LongLatPosition getLongitudeLatitudeDisplacement(double longitude, double latitude, double longitudeOffset, double latitudeOffset)
      Calculates a (longitude,latitude) in a LongLatPosition object that is of a specified offset (expressed in meter) from a given point.
      longitude - -
      latitude - -
      longitudeOffset - the longitude offset [in m]
      latitudeOffset - the latitude offset [in m]
      a (longitude,latitude) in a LongLatPosition object at a specified offset from a given point
    • clip

      public static int clip(int value, int minimum, int maximum)
      Clips an int between two extrema.
      value - the int to clip between the two extrema
      minimum - the lower boundary to clip the int
      maximum - the upper boundary to clip the int
      the int clipped between the two extrema
      See Also:
    • clip

      public static double clip(double value, double minimum, double maximum)
      Clips a double between two extrema.
      value - the double to clip between the two extrema
      minimum - the lower boundary to clip the double
      maximum - the upper boundary to clip the double
      the double clipped between the two extrema
      See Also:
    • map

      public static double map(double value, double fromMinimum, double fromMaximum, double toMinimum, double toMaximum)
      Maps a double from one range to another. The value is not constrained within the range.
      value - the value to map from the current to the target range
      fromMinimum - the lower bound of the value's current range
      fromMaximum - the upper bound of the value's current range
      toMinimum - the lower bound of the value's target range
      toMaximum - the upper bound of the value's target range
      the value mapped from the current to the target range
    • forcePartialOrder

      public static void forcePartialOrder(Point2D.Double p1, Point2D.Double p2)
      Forces a partial order on the components of two points p1 and p2 such that (x1,y1) ≤ (x2,y2).
      p1 - the first point
      p2 - the second point
    • findMinimum

      public static double findMinimum(double[] x)
      Searches incrementally for the minimum value in an array.
      x - the array to search in
      the minimum value in the array
    • findMaximum

      public static double findMaximum(double[] x)
      Searches incrementally for the maximum value in an array.
      x - the array to search in
      the maximum value in the array
    • findMinimum

      public static int findMinimum(int[] x)
      Searches incrementally for the minimum value in an array.
      x - the array to search in
      the minimum value in the array
    • findMaximum

      public static int findMaximum(int[] x)
      Searches incrementally for the maximum value in an array.
      x - the array to search in
      the maximum value in the array
    • normalisedLinearInterpolation

      public static double normalisedLinearInterpolation(double value, double from, double to)
      Performs linear interpolation of a double with respect to two boundary values.

      This method assumes that the specified value lies in the interval [0,1], with 0.0 corresponding to the lower boundary (from) and 1.0 to the upper boundary (to).

      value - the double to interpolate linearly with respect to two boundary values
      from - the lower boundary to use for the linear interpolation (corresponding to value = 0.0)
      to - the upper boundary to use for the linear interpolation (corresponding to value = 1.0)
      the linear interpolation of the specified double between the two boundary values
    • searchArrayBounds

      public static ArraySearchBounds searchArrayBounds(double[] x, double xSearch)
      Determines the indices of the 2 values surrounding the searched value in an array of x.length elements, such that: x[fLowerBound] ≤ xSearch < x[fUpperBound]

      There are 2 special cases:

      • xSearch < min(x) leads to fLowerBound = fUpperBound = 0
      • xSearch ≥ max(x) leads to fLowerBound = fUpperBound = x.length - 1

      Note that this method assumes that the elements in x are sorted!

      x - an array of doubles containing the values
      xSearch - the value to search for
      an ArraySearchBounds object containing the indices of the 2 values surrounding the searched value
    • isEven

      public static boolean isEven(int n)
      Checks whether or not a number is even.
      n - the number to check
      true when n is even, false if it's odd
    • isOdd

      public static boolean isOdd(int n)
      Checks whether or not a number is odd.
      n - the number to check
      true when n is odd, false if it's even
    • convertBTokB

      public static double convertBTokB(long nrOfBytes)
      Converts a number of bytes to kilobytes (1 kB = 1000 B).
      nrOfBytes - the number of bytes to convert
      the number of kilobytes corresponding to the number of bytes
    • convertBToKiB

      public static double convertBToKiB(long nrOfBytes)
      Converts a number of bytes to kibibytes (1 KiB = 1024 B).
      nrOfBytes - the number of bytes to convert
      the number of kibibytes corresponding to the number of bytes
    • convertBToMB

      public static double convertBToMB(long nrOfBytes)
      Converts a number of bytes to megabytes (1 MB = 1000^2 B).
      nrOfBytes - the number of bytes to convert
      the number of megabytes corresponding to the number of bytes
    • convertBToMiB

      public static double convertBToMiB(long nrOfBytes)
      Converts a number of bytes to mebibytes (1 MiB = 1024^2 B).
      nrOfBytes - the number of bytes to convert
      the number of mebibytes corresponding to the number of bytes
    • convertBToGB

      public static double convertBToGB(long nrOfBytes)
      Converts a number of bytes to gigabytes (1 GB = 1000^3 B).
      nrOfBytes - the number of bytes to convert
      the number of gigabytes corresponding to the number of bytes
    • convertBToGiB

      public static double convertBToGiB(long nrOfBytes)
      Converts a number of bytes to gibibytes (1 GiB = 1024^3 B).
      nrOfBytes - the number of bytes to convert
      the number of gibibytes corresponding to the number of bytes
    • convertBToTB

      public static double convertBToTB(long nrOfBytes)
      Converts a number of bytes to terabytes (1 GB = 1000^4 B).
      nrOfBytes - the number of bytes to convert
      the number of terabytes corresponding to the number of bytes
    • convertBToTiB

      public static double convertBToTiB(long nrOfBytes)
      Converts a number of bytes to tebibytes (1 TiB = 1024^4 B).
      nrOfBytes - the number of bytes to convert
      the number of tebibytes corresponding to the number of bytes
    • round

      public static long round(double x)
      Rounds a double to a long.
      x - the double to round
      a long representing the rounded double
    • logBase

      public static double logBase(double x, double base)
      Takes a logarithm of a double in a custom base.
      x - the double to take the logarithm of
      base - the base of the logarithm
      a double representing the calculated logarithm in the specified base
    • isPrime

      public static boolean isPrime(long x)
      Returns whether or not a given long number is prime.
      x - the long to test for primality
      true if the given long is prime, false otherwise
    • getEllipseCircumference

      public static double getEllipseCircumference(double a, double b)
      Returns the approximated circumference of an ellipse.
      a - the length of the major axis
      b - the length of the minor axis
      the approximated circumference of an ellipse
      See Also:
    • getEllipseEccentricity

      public static double getEllipseEccentricity(double a, double b)
      Returns the eccentricity of an ellipse.
      a - the length of the major axis
      b - the length of the minor axis
      the eccentricity of an ellipse
    • findExtrema

      public static Extrema findExtrema(double[] x)
      Finds all local extreme values (and their indices) in an array.
      x - the sequence to find all local extreme values for
      all encountered local extreme values
    • getKernel

      public static double getKernel(double u, MathTools.EKernelType kernelType)
      Provides a kernel.
      u - the point where the kernel is to be evaluated
      kernelType - the type of kernel to use in the evaluation
      the kernel evaluated in u
    • getKernelSmoother

      public static FunctionLookupTable getKernelSmoother(FunctionLookupTable functionLookupTable, MathTools.EKernelType kernelType, double bandwidth, int nrOfSupportPoints)
      Performs kernel smoothing on a 1D function specified by lookup tables for in the (X,Y) plane.
      functionLookupTable - the lookup table for the specified 1D function
      kernelType - the type of kernel to use
      bandwidth - the bandwidth of the kernel
      nrOfSupportPoints - the number of (X,Y) values to use for the smoothened 1D function
      the smoothed data in a new lookup table